summer water safety

5 Summer Water Safety Tips

Wisconsin Swim Academy has a favorite saying. We can’t claim it as our own, but it’s too perfect not to share. Just keep swimming. 

So while the calendar says we’ve got a few more days until the official start of summer in Wisconsin, we’re always happy to jump in, literally and figuratively, and share 5 Summer Safety Tips to keep families safe in backyards, beaches, and boats.

  1. Remember, REACH, THROW, DON’T GO. Don’t jump in the water to save a friend; instead, use a long object for them to grab hold of and lead them back to safety.  
  1. SUCK, DUCK and TUCK to get yourself away from a situation in the water that’s turned dangerous while trying to help another swimmer. Take a deep breath of air, duck under the water, tuck into a ball and push away to get out of the water, and seek help for the person in trouble. 
  1. PUT DOWN THE PHONE. It’s often not a lack of supervision in and around the water but a lapse in attention that can make all the difference in life or death. Nine out of ten drowning deaths happen when a caregiver supervises but does not pay attention. 
  1. STAY VIGILANT YEAR-ROUND. Water Safety is not to be recognized just one month a year, but a reminder of life-saving tips to be mindful of and practiced throughout the year, in any season, and in every situation. Drowning is the leading cause of death in children under four years of age. It is fast and silent and can happen in as little as 20 seconds in only an inch of water.  
  1. CONSISTENT SWIM LESSONS for your family reduces the risk of drowning by 88%. And not just for children. Adults are never too old to learn to swim, to keep themselves, their kiddos, and even their grandchildren safe. Much like safe airplane travel tips, you need to place your own air mask on first before you can successfully aid others. 

Have fun in the sun this summer. Be safe. And most importantly, just keep swimming!

Looking for a new place to swim this summer? Check out Go Valley Kids for new ideas on outdoor pools and the best lakes near the Fox Cities!

Susie VanEkeren is the owner of Wisconsin Swim Academy, a lifelong swim enthusiast, and a community advocate for water safety. She’s a proud mom of four boys and over 1,000 Wisconsin Swim Academy kiddos and staff. With over 20 years of expert swim instruction, Susie is proud to do her part in keeping our community safe. Please contact Susie at 920.427.8286 to learn more.