Join us in our Water Safety Commitment! Our goal is to lower drowning incidents and eliminate unnecessary deaths by advocating for water safety and providing lifesaving swimming lessons.
Throughout the year, Wisconsin Swim Academy engages in activities and programs that educate the Fox Cities community on water safety. We also contribute and fundraise for swim scholarships.
Join us by supporting drowning prevention and water safety education, swimming scholarships, and exciting events like our Trunk or Treat!

2023 Trunk or Treat Sponsorships: Saturday, October 28th from 3-5 pm
This year we are challenging ourselves to DOUBLE last year’s fundraising with a new goal of $10,000. We are asking for your help! Join us as one of our community partners.
Corporate Sponsorship-$1,000 2 Spots Available
- All Shark Sponsorship items
- Premium Advertisement- Sponsor post on Facebook, Instagram, and Event Livestream.
- Food Sponsorship Recognition- Sponsorship signage as a food sponsor at the event.
- Press Release with special mention of water safety partner.
Shark Sponsorship-$750 4 Spots Available
- All Guppy Sponsorship Items
- Advertisement- Sponsor post on Facebook, Instagram, and Event Livestream.
- Raffle Sponsorship Recognition- Sponsorship signage as a raffle sponsor at the event.
Guppy Sponsorship-$500 6 Spots Available
- All Clownfish Sponsorship Items
- Group Advertisement (In Place of Large Group Advertisement)- Sponsor post on Facebook, Instagram, and Event Livestream.
- Trunk Reservation- You will have a reserved parking space on the day of the event to decorate a trunk for your business and hand out candy to all the attendees!
Clownfish Sponsorship-$250 8 Spots Available
- Raffle Basket- Send us some of your business’ branded items/apparel, products, and/or special promotions! We will put together a raffle basket and share.
- Large Group Advertisement- You and seven other businesses will be recognized on Wisconsin Swim Academy’s Facebook and Instagram!
Jellyfish Sponsorship-Raffle/Monetary/Donation
- Send us a raffle basket with gifts and goodies from your business, along with your logo and the total value of the items inside and we will raffle them off and promote your business name on our live stream!
Wisconsin Swim Academy partners with Hope Floats Foundation to provide swimming lesson scholarships. Hope Floats Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

Download 2023 Sponsorship Form
For more information or to claim your sponsorship spot, please email